Recent Scientific Publications
➣ “Discrete-Time Trawl Process
", a joint work with
P. Doukhan, A. Jakubowski, S.R.C. Lopes e D.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications,
Vol. 129, 1326-1348, 2019.
"A note about the delta-moment in ARMA-APARCH models with stable conditional
distributions and GEV", a joint work with
T.R. Souza, C.E.G. Otiniano e S.R.C. Lopes.
Matemáticas - Universidad Nacional de Trujillo,,
Vol. 05(1), 7-16, 2018.
"Adverse Events Following Immunization in Brazil: Age of Child and Vaccine- Associated Risk Analysis Using Logistic Regression", a joint work with
J.L.R. Perin, T.S. Prass, S.M.D. Carvalho, S.C. Lessa e J.G. Dórea.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
Vol. 15(6), 1149, 2018.
"Clustering and Classication of Genetic Data Through U-Statistics",, a joint work with
M. Valk e G.B. Cybis.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,,
Vol. 88(10), 1882-1902, 2017.
"MCMC Bayesian Estimation in FIEGARCH Models", a joint work with
Prass e J.A. Achcar.
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation,
45(9), 3238-3258, 2015.
"Copulas Related to Piecewise Monotone Functions of the Interval and Associated
Processes", a joint work with
G. Pumi.
Communications in Statistics: Theory and
Vol. 46(2), 828-860, 2016.
"Linear and Non-Linear Regression Models Assuming a Stable Distribution", a joint work with
J. Achcar.
Revista Colombiana de Estadística,
Vol. 39(1), 109-128, 2016.
"Continuous Process Derived from the Solution of Generalized Langevin Equation:
Theoretical Properties and Some Simulations", a joint work with
J. Stein e A.V.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
Vol. 86, 2819-2845, 2016.
"A Generalization of a Gaussian Semiparametric Estimator on Multivariate Long-
Range Dependent Processes", a joint work with
G. Pumi.
Journal of Statistical Computation
and Simulation,
Vol. 85(9), 1832-1856, 2015.
"Copulas, Chaotic Processes and Time Series: a Survey", a joint work with
G. Pumi.
São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences,
Vol. 8(2), 241-264, 2014.
"Theoretical Results on Fractionally Integrated Exponential Generalized Autoregressive
Conditional Heteroskedastic Processes", a joint work with
T. S. Prass.
Vol. 401, 278-307, 2014.
"Seasonal FIEGARCH Processes", a joint work with
T. S. Prass.
Statistics & Data Analysis
Vol. 68, 262-295, 2013.
"A Class of Semiparametric Estimators for Long-Range Dependent Multivariate
Processes, a joint work with
G. Pumi.
In: Proceedings 59th ISI World Statistics
Congress, Hong Kong,
Vol. 01, 3953-3958, 2013.
"Mallows Distance in VARFIMA(0,d,0) Processes", a joint work with
G. Pumi e K. Zaniol
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation,
Vol. 42, 24-51, 2013.
"A Bayesian Approach for Stable Distributions: Some Computational Aspects", a joint work with
J.A. Achcar, J. Mazucheli e R.R. Linhares
Open Journal of Statistics,
Vol. 03, 268-277, 2013.
"Ocorrências de Ilhas CpG em Sequências de DNA", a joint work with
C.V. Figueira.
Sigmae, Alfenas,
Vol. 2(3), 100-106, 2013.
"Copulas Related to Manneville-Pomeau Processes", a joint work with
G. Pumi.
Brazilian Journal in Probability and Statistics,
Vol 27(3), 322-356, 2013.
"Quasi-likelihood Estimation on SFIEGARCH Process: a Simulation Study", a joint work with
T. S. Prass.
In: Joint Statistical Meetings, 2012, San Diego, CA. Proceedings
of the Joint Statistical Meetings. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association,
Vol. 01, 1313-1323, 2012..
"Comparison of forecasts of mean monthly water level in the Paraguay River,
Brazil, from two fractionally differenced models", a joint work with
T.S. Prass, J.M.
Bravo, R.T. Clarke e W. Collischonn.
Water Resources Research,
Vol. 48, W05502 1-13, 2012.
"Amazon Forest Fires Between 2001 and 2006 and Birth Weight in Porto Velho", a joint work with
T.S. Prass, J.G Dorea, R.C. Marques e K.G. Brandão.
Bulletin of
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,
Vol. 89(1), 1-7, 2012..
"Generalized Langevin Equation Driven by Lévy Processes: A probabilistic, numerical
and time series approach", a joint work with
A. Medino, R. Morgado e C.C.Y.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Vol. 391(3), 572-581, 2012.
"Joint Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling of Discharge in Large Brazilian
Rivers", a joint work with
T. S. Prass, R.T. Clarke e W. Collischonn.
Atas do International Statistical Institute,
"Power of the Likelihood Ratio Test for Models of DNA Base Substitution", a joint work with
G.B. Cybis e H.P. Pinheiro.
Journal of Applied Statistics,
Vol. 38, 2723-2737, 2011.
"Dynamic Copulas and Long Range Dependence", a joint work with
Frontiers in Finance and Economics,
Vol. 8, 89-111, 2011.
"α-Stable Law in Noncoding Regions of DNA Sequences", a joint work with
N. Crato e R.R Linhares.
Journal of Applied Statistics,
Vol. 37, 261-271, 2011.
"Statistical Properties of Detrended Fluctuation Analysis", a joint work with
N. Crato e R.R. Linhares.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
Vol. 80(6),
625-641, 2010.
"Wavelets for Estimating the Fractional Parameter in Non-Stationary ARFIMA
Processes", a joint work with
A.S. Pinheiro.
Current Development in Theory and
Applications of Wavelets,
Vol. 3(2), 121-130, 2009.
"Properties of Seasonal Long Memory Processes", a joint work with
C. Bisognin.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling,
Vol. 49, 1837-1851, 2009.
"Long-Range Dependence in Mean and Volatility: Models, Estimation and Forecasting", a joint work with
S.R.C. Lopes.
Progress in Probability,
Vol. 60, 497-525, 2008.
"Estimation and Forecasting the Long Memory Parameter in the Presence of Periodicity", a joint work with
C. Bisognin.
Journal of Forecasting,
Vol. 26(6), 405-427, 2007.
"Comparação da Estimação do Parâmetro d em Modelos ARFIMA(p; d; q) para
dois Métodos de Simulação do Processo", a joint work with
S.M. Cerezer e V.A. Reisen.
Revista Brasileira de Estatística,
Vol. 68(229), 51-68, 2007.
Invariance of the First Difference in ARFIMA Models”, a joint work with
B.P. Olbermann and V.A. Reisen.
Computational Statistics,
Vol. 21(3), 445-461, 2006.
Bandwidth Selection in Classical and Robust Estimation of Long Memory “, a joint work with
B.V.M. Mendes.
International Journal of Statistics and Systems,
Vol. 1(2), 177-200, 2006.
➣ “
Correlated Errors in the Parameters Estimation of ARFIMA Model: A Simulated Study”, a joint work with
M.R. Sena Jr and V.A. Reisen. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and
Computation, Vol. 35(2), 789–802, 2006.
➣ “
Long Memory Analysis in
DNA Sequences”, a joint work with
M.A. Nunes. Physica
A: Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications, Vol. 361(2), 569-588, 2006.
➣ “
A Closed Formula for the Durbin-Levinson's
Algorithm in Seasonal Fractionally Integrated Processes”, a joint work with
E.H.M. Brietzke and C. Bisognin.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol.
42, 1191-1206, 2005.
➣ “
A Comparison of Estimation Methods in Non-stationary Arfima
Processes”, a joint work with B.P. Olbermann and V.A. Reisen. Journal
of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 74(5), 339-347, 2004.
➣ “
Convergence in Distribution of the Periodogram for Chaotic
Processes”, a joint work with A.O.
Lopes. Stochastics and Dynamics, Vol.
2(4), 609-624, 2002.
➣ “
Non-Stationary Gaussian ARFIMA Processes: Estimation and
Application”, a joint work with B.P. Olbermann and V.A. Reisen. Brazilian
Review of Econometrics, Vol. 22(1), 103-126, 2002.
➣ “
Error and Order
Misspecification in ARFIMA Models”, a joint work with
V.A. Reisen and M. R. Sena
Jr. Brazilian Review of Econometrics, Vol. 21(1), 101-135,
➣ “
Estimation of Parameters
in ARFIMA Processes: A Simulation Study”, a joint work with V.A. Reisen and B. Abraham. Communications in Statistics:
Simulation and Computation, Vol. 30(4), 787-803, 2001.
➣ “
Some Simulations and Applications of Forecasting Long Memory
Time Series Models”, a joint work with V.A. Reisen.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 80(2), 269-287, 1999.
➣ "Parametric Estimation and Spectral Analysis of Piecewise Linear Maps of the
Interval”, a joint work with A.O. Lopes. Advances in Applied
Probability, Vol 30(3), 757-776, 1998.
➣ A Level-1 Large Deviation
"Principle for the Autocovariances of Uniquely Ergodic Transformations with
Additive Noise”, a joint work with S.I.C. Carmona, C.
Landim and A.O. Lopes. Journal of
Statistical Physics, Vol. 91(1/2), 395-421, 1998.
➣ “
Spectral Analysis of
Expanding One-Dimensional Chaotic Transformations”, a joint work
with A.O. Lopes and R. Souza. Random & Computational Dynamics Journal,
Vol. 3(1), 107-117, 1997.
➣ “
On the Spectral Density
of a Class of Chaotic Time Series”, a joint work with
A.O. Lopes and R. Souza. Journal of Time Series Analysis, Vol.
18(5), 465-474, 1997.
➣ “
Spectral Analysis of
Chaotic Transformations”, a joint work with A.O. Lopes and R. Souza. Revista Brasileira de
Probabilidade e EstatÍstica,
Vol. 10(2), 151-179, 1996.
➣ “
On the Dimension of the
Predictive Process of a Memoryless Channel”, a joint work with
A.O. Lopes. Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Vol. 14(4), pp. 411-420, 1996.
➣ “
Contraction Mapping Method in Spectral Analysis for Sinusoidal
FM Models”. Revista Brasileira
de Probabilidade e Estat�stica,
Vol. 8(1), 9-25, 1994.
➣ “
Análise Espectral de Séries Temporais Através de
Pontos Fixos”. Revista de Econometria, Vol. 13(2), 43-70, 1994.
➣ “
Iteration of Mappings and
Fixed Points in Mixed Spectrum Analysis”, a joint work with B. Kedem. Communications
in Statistics: Stochastic Models, Vol. 10(2), pp.
309- 333, 1994.
➣ “
Amplitude Estimation in Multiple Frequency Spectrum”. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Vol. 22(10), 2955-2967, 1993.
➣ “
Fixed Points in Mixed Spectrum Analysis”, a joint work with B. Kedem. Probabilistic
and Stochastic Methods in Analysis, with Applications
(Proceedings of NATO ASI), J. S. Byrnes et al. (eds.),
Kluwer, Massachusetts, 573-591, 1992.
